Cushion with the Self Welt Method
Click on small Image for a larger image.
1. The first step: cut out your cushion components. Here you see the zipper cut to
length along with two pieces of fabric cut 4" by the zipper length. One Boxing strip
width 6 1/2 " by 54 for this cushion. Two panels.

Picture 1
2. Take the two panels and zipper to the sewing machine and start by sewing
the panels first by turning a 1/2" fold and sewing that to the length of the zipper panel.
Do this on both panels and both long sides of each panels. Once you have these sewn take
one and sew that along the zipper as shown.

Picture 2
3. Now sew your panels to the zipper as shown here. With view on picture 3 and 4.

Picture 3

Picture 4
4. Being that the zipper is cut off a roll and no stops on it for the slide. I fold as shown in the picture

Picture 5
and run a stitch and Back stitch across the zipper to lock it in.
If you have pre made zippers with stops then omit this step. But just a note with pre
made zippers you will want to lock stitch the zipper on the ends of the zipper slide
stop while you're sewing the panels to the zipper in picture 3.

Picture 6
Once you have the zipper sewn take the boxing strip and the zipper strip and sew as in
picture ( Note sew on the opposite end of the slide)

Picture 7
5. Once you have the zipper and boxing sewn. You will now start the sewing of the welt
cord into the cushion boxing. As seen in this picture the use of a tape or measuring
device is very helpful to keeping the boxing uniform. Starting from the end of the zipper
panel start sewing the welt in the boxing by folding the fabric over the welt cord as
shown. Continue sewing with measuring as you go along. With a boxing width of 3 1/2" set
you measure from zipper center to the seam of the welt at 1 3/4 for this first welt cord
sew. Continue until you reach the end as shown in picture 8

Picture 8
leaving extra fabric past the welt cord end as shown in picture 8. This extra fabric will
be used for a fold over for closing off the zipper slide.

Picture 9
6. Now that you have sewn the first welt in the boxing. Take your measure and adjust it to measure 3 1/2 "

Picture 10
Take your boxing and start to sew in the second welt cord as shown in picture 9. Start
sewing this second welt from the opposite end of the boxing. Non zipper end. Using the
set measure of 3 1/2" ( picture 9) to adjust sewing for a true measure along the boxing
while sewing the second welt cord in. You will have a boxing that looks like the view in
picture 10. If you notice, there are marks that I set for the center of the back of the
cushion top and bottom panels. As well I mark the center of the zipper panel so I can
line up the zipper to the cushion panels and have equal zipper on each side of the cushion
panels when the cushion is completed.

Picture 11
7. Once the boxing is sewn and marked for center as shown in picture 10. Staple or pin the
zipper center mark to the center of the back edge of the cushion panel. This is for
holding the center while you run the boxing across the back around the corner to start
your sewing of the boxing to the panel.

Picture 12
Here in this view you will see where I have made a cut for the corner. Note that this
corner will be the right hand rear corner of the cushion panel ( looking down on the
panel with the back zipper area).

Picture 13
This is where you will want to start your sewing of the boxing to the cushion. Three to
4 inches from the bottom right back corner of the cushion panel as mentioned in
Picture 12. Start with the end of the welt not the extra fabric that was mentioned
earlier for the fold over to cover the Zipper slide.

Picture 14
8. Now here is the corner of the panel mentioned You have started sewing up from that
corner and now have come to this point. Continue sewing until you get to the exact corner.
Stop and lift the foot turn the cushion panel and continue sewing the zipper panel working
from right towards the left corner of the cushion panel.

Picture 15
Now your at the left corner of the back cushion panel ready to lift your foot and
continue that corner and up the cushion side heading towards the front left corner of
the cushion panel. Continue sewing in the same manner until you get to your first
starting point.

Picture 16
Front left corner of the cushion panel

Picture 17
9. The last front corner rounding to the last side panel heading towards your starting
point of sewing the boxing on the cushion panel.

Picture 18
You're now heading towards the starting point. Stop about 2 inches from that point. For your
next step shown in picture 19.

Picture 19
Here you will want to clip back the treads to expose the welt cord for the next step
before your final closure of sewing the boxing to the first cushion panel.

Picture 20
10. You're now at your original starting point. Here you will want to trim back the sewing
thread to expose the welt cord. Now lay the cord down next to the other welt cord so you
can cut the welt filler so it will butt up to the other welt.

Picture 21
Now that you have cut the welt cord you now lay that down into the fold. Note ( Here is
where the extra fabric for the closure for the Zipper slide will be folded over before you
lay the welt filler down in the fold)

Picture 22
Now that you have the welt filler in the fold now continue sewing to make the final
closure of the first welt sewn to the fist cushion panel. Now your ready for the next
procedure which will be sewing the remaining side of the boxing to the second cushion panel.

Picture 23
11. A view of the finished first welt side sewn on the first cushion panel.

Picture 24
This view shows the first panel sewn and now marking all the corners on the boxing for the next sewing.

Picture 25
This view shows the staring point for the final sewing to close up the cushion. This
starting point will be the right corner as you look at the cushion from the front as it
would set in our chair or sofa. You will want to start your sewing up from that corner
on the right side of the cushion about 4 inches sewing to the corner and continue around
to the front of your seat cushion.. Continue sewing as you did in the sewing of the first
panel. Until further steps explained here.

Picture 26
12. A view of turning on the front right corner to continue around to the front of the cushion.

Picture 27
Another view of the starting point and swing around the corner.

Picture 28
This view will show that you have sewn the front and now are at the left corner heading
around the left side of the cushion towards the zipper panel.

Picture 29
13. Here the this view shows that you have sewn to the back corner and now around to the
zipper panel. Now here you will want to stop than back stitch and cut the threads. Open
the Zipper and than slide back under the sewing machine

Picture 30
This view of the stopping point is where you had opened up your zipper and ready to
insert the cushion back under the sewing machine.

Picture 31
View you your back stitch and heading for the final corner.

Picture 32
14. Here you can view that I have turned the last corner and on the remaining side.
Now you will want to stop here back stitch, cut threads and take the cushion from under
the machine turn the cushion right side out.

Picture 32a
Cushion turned right side out.

Picture 33a
Now insert the cushion under the machine through the Zipper opening and up to the starting
corner. (Second cushion panel should be laying face down on the sewing machine table.)

Picture 34
This is the corner that you started sewing for the second panel. See Picture 26 and 27
for those steps. Now if you view the following picture 34 Here is where you start sewing
from that corner. If you look close you will see where it was sewn down to the corner on
that step. You will be sewing up the last side heading back towards the Zipper from the
inside of the cushion through the zipper opening until you get to the area of the Zipper
panel and boxing. See picture 35A

Picture 35a
Here you will have to clip back the threads and insert the welt filler in the fold and
remember to fold over the extra fabric as you did in the first sewing of the first top
cushion panel. Sew to complete the closure clip threads and remove from the sewing machine.
Now your ready to fill the cushion.

Picture 36
15. Clipping the weltcord on the second panel.

Picture 37
Folded and ready to do the final sewing.

Picture 38
Take the cushion from the sewin machine, clip the threads.

Picture 39
16. Finished cushion ready for filling.

Picture 40
Vacuum filling.

Picture 41
The vacuum machine in process of compressing the cushion fill.

Picture 43
16. Finished cushion.

Picture 44
Completed chair with the Self-welt Cushion.
This How-to is Credited to:
Barnard's Upholstery & Auto Trim
24 Tallwood Trail
Palmyra, Virginia 22963
Staceys Email